Our Pride

When we look at the relationship people used to have with their hair, we see that black people have come such a long way. We now live in a time when we have embraced our natural hair, the versatility of being able to explore different looks and unleash our creativity through our hairstyles. So much so that the European beauty standards meant to box us in have had to make room and redefine their beauty standards.

Braiding has now become popular worldwide and is being featured in spaces we could’ve never been allowed in previously, all because of the decisions the women who came before us made to defy being stripped of their identity. Now, we are slowly finding our way back, embracing our hair and walking into those spaces, knowing we belong there. What a time to be alive! It is beautiful to watch us reclaim our crowns, finally realize that royalty was always in us, and walk in that truth confidently. How much more if we all knew the history of braiding and what it represents? How those tracks mean so much more than beautifying the crown?

These hairstyles are a representation of our innate greatness. Even though our ancestors experienced slavery for many years, they never let their minds be enslaved. Certain braiding patterns and accessories were used as a way of differentiating between tribes and communicating marital status. How they decided to use this same skill for survival breathtakingly stirs pride. The different designs and patterns on their hair became their version of speaking in code. They could send one another messages through these hairstyles; how cool is that? These women took it further by incorporating their escape route into these patterns, each curve and line unfolding into a map. Wait, it does not end there. They also hid seeds and rice in the cornrows so that they would be able to sustain themselves once they had escaped and were roaming through the wilderness. If this does not define greatness, we don’t know what does. It is easy for anyone to see the pain and suffering through all these stories, but we often miss the strength and greatness revealed. The grit to be able to rise above whatever conditions lie before you and see a way out.

How does one think so far ahead or make improvising this effortless? We have had so many hairstyles over the years, from Benny and Betty to cornrows to tribal braids, which are still popping and relevant to this day. We have seen that we have a lot of talented hairdressers, and they have definitely saved us from quite a few bad hair days. However, we never take a moment to wonder how these came about. The rich history and heritage behind braiding needs to be broadcast.

Sis, these hairstyles keep us on point, but they are more than just fashion statements. They represent resilience. How we are innately creative and built to thrive. So, the next time you doubt yourself, may you be reminded of those who came before you and the greatness within you. May this be more reason for you to straighten and own that crown! This heritage belongs to all of us. Don’t be shy to tag us and let us know what your favourite hairstyle is or to use this opportunity to give your hairdresser the flowers they deserve by sending them a shoutout.

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